Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DIY - Thanksgiving

After pinning DIY idea after DIY idea on Pinterest, I decided to finally give something a go.  With the holidays right around the corner, it just seemed appropriate to have a little fun with glitter.  I love glitter - but it is MESSY! 

After seeing these vases, I fell in love with them and knew I wanted to try to replicate these along with other ideas I had seen on Pinterest. 

After the glitter and glue dried, I broke out my hairspray and applied over the top to prevent the glitter from getting everywhere!  It worked like a charm! 

My neighbor has a giant pine tree that produces the largest pine cones you have ever seen!  They are gorgeous.  I had Steve run over to see if we could have some and of course they didn't mind, even said that if Steve wanted to rake his yard he could do that to.  :) 

I bought a can of gold spray paint and went to town.  I had a small can of red that I tried out which came out fine, but I really preferred the look of the gold ones.  They came out so cute and perfect for both Thanksgiving and Christmas!  :)

Thanksgiving itself was nice.  It was just the five of us - Steve, Lottie, myself, my sister and her husband.  Steve fried up a turkey while my sister and I cooked about 8 different dishes.  Holy food coma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was ridiculous!  This preggo was worn out by 5:00 p.m.

Lottie's favorite was the honey glazed ham and the roasted carrots.  She didn't really eat much else.  No wonder she stays so little, unlike her mama!

Later that day / night, my two girlfriends came over for dessert.  Lottie gave everyone their Thanksgiving cards and we all stuffed ourselves with sweets all over again! 

All in all, I ate wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much as usual!  I put myself to bed around 10:30 and took a 4 hour nap.  Then, Steve and I did some Black Friday shopping at 3:00 a.m.!  It was great!  No lines, no traffic, no craziness and I got most of my shopping done!  We were out for about 4.5 to 5 hours and got home just in time for Lottie to wake up. 

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.  I go for my 16 week check up today so am not looking forward to the big weigh in!  :)  YIKES! 

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