Tuesday, November 20, 2012

15 Weeks - Mini Coop #2

Due Date: May 11, 2013

Total Weight Gain (CRINGE): The last time I went to the doctor, it was 0lbs, but my britches are getting tighter and tighter.  Sigh...........  I'll weigh in again next week.  Lord have mercy on my Turkey belly!

M - Day off work which meant no work out - :)
T - Arrichion - Circuit Training
W - Yoga
T - Arrichion - MMA
F - Group Power

Symptoms:  ZITS!  Holy hormones!  I feel like a 15 year old girl.  My poor chinny chin chin is OOC with zits! 

Thyroid: Next follow up appointment is December 4th for blood work.

Maternity Clothes:  Not yet!!  I am still giving myself a little pep talk whispering, "No maternity clothes until at least the 16/17 week mark!"  Come on T!  I think right now I am in that "chubby" phase where it looks like I am gaining weight, but not pregnant.  Awesome!  :)

Gender:  We find out the sex December 10th!  Less than 3 weeks!  (Steve still wants another little girl!!!)  I want a BOY!  :)

Movement:  Flutters, Flutters, Flutters - there is no denying the flutters.  While I only seem to notice while sitting at my desk at work, they are definitely there.  Not strong enough to feel on the outside, but once you've felt them before, you know exactly how they feel.  I love it.  It's the one really great thing about being pregnant.  If I could feel those tiny kicks and punches all day, I would.

Food Cravings: This past week I had a craving for PIG!  Yep, BBQ and honey baked ham.  So, I put a pork butt in the crock pot on Saturday night and we had BBQ on Sunday.  I am so looking forward to my honey baked ham on Thanksgiving.  Steve went out and bought it last night!  One happy preggo over here!

Food Aversions: Pumpkin spice latte!  Awful, I know!!!!!!  Shedding a tear as we speak.  I love them, but when I ordered one the other day, something happened..........  It was disgusting!  So, then I ordered another one a couple of days later and it was the same.  Guess I am missing out this holiday season! 

Best Moment of the Week:  Feeling those familiar flutters!  One of the BEST feelings as a woman you can ever experience. 

What I Miss: Regular caffeinated coffee and hot English tea! 

Differences Between 1st Pregnancy & 2nd Pregnancy: Time is still flying by this time around! I'll be 4 months along in just a few days.  Also, I am shocked that I am feeling the flutters already.  The last time around, I didn't really feel anything until I was around 23 weeks pregnant.  I'm sure a part of that was not knowing what "flutters" were. 

Fears/Dreading: Steve going back to work so soon after the baby's born!  After a c-section, it is really tough getting back on your feet.  Heck, I ended up having to sleep on our couch for the first week after we got home because our bed was too high for me to climb up.  Just dreading the length of time it takes to recover.

Follow Up Appointments/Ultrasounds: Next follow up appointment is next Tuesday and next ultrasound is 12/10/12.

Bump Photo: "Chubby Phase"

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