Friday, September 2, 2011


What a week! 

Lottie cut her first bottom tooth.  I guess that explains the fussiness, fever and drooling.  Poor baby!  I've done everything imaginable to try and ease the pain.  I've stocked up on baby Tylenol, baby Ibuprofen, teething rings and teething gel.  Thankfully a little of this and a little of that seemed to help.  She was smiling and cracking up at me last night so that made me feel so much better.  Plus we haven't had any uninterrupted sleep since Sunday night.  YAY!

On Tuesday evening I reached into Lottie's mouth to see if I could feel anything and sure enough I felt the start of a tooth cutting through her bottom gums.  I desperately tried to make her laugh so I could actually see the tooth.  Thankfully after a few minutes, she gave me a laugh and I was able to see a tiny spec of white. 

On Wednesday afternoon around 2:15 p.m. I received a call from day care saying Lottie had a fever of 101.3 and that someone needed to pick her up.  This was my first call from day care saying something was wrong.  I immediately got emotional and almost cried!  (No clue - I think my hormones are still playing up!) Then again on the way to pick up Lottie I got even more emotional wishing my Mom and Dad were here to talk to. I would give anything to be able to pick up the phone to get their advice, opinions and guidance on parenthood.  So far, I think Steve and I have done a great job with Lottie but it would be really great to have that cushion of support there when needed.

Sorry for that...........  On a happy note, by Wednesday night, Lottie's fever had gone down.  After I got her home and medicated, we ran to Target.  I bought a $40 thermometer that was supposed to read temps in 1 to 5 seconds (a big purchase for "frugal" by the way).  I had a different thermometer at home, but it took FOREVER (2 or 3 minutes) to read her temperature.  It was so hard trying to take her temp under her arm with her moving and punching her arms all over the place.  She just wouldn't stay still (I think she knew she was supposed to be still but did the complete opposite). 

Anyways, I got home and got the mac daddy of all thermometers out of the packaging to use.  The first reading said 98.5 (WRONG!!!)  (It just said 100.7 with the other thermometer I used) I took it again 30 seconds later and it said 97.8 (WRONG!!!)  I took it once more and it said 95.6 (WRONG!!!)  By this time - I am ANGRY!!!  You mean to tell me that I just bought a $40 thermometer that is BROKEN???  Steve finally got home from work and I asked him to take a look at it.  That was about pointless (MEN!!)  He put it under his armpit and after a reading of 95/96 said that it was fine, nothing wrong with it - he got a normal reading.......... Errrrrrrrrrr           I'll just leave it at that.

We are headed to the beach to see my sister and her hubby for the weekend.  I can't wait to have my toes in the sand w/ my little beach bum Lottie by my side in the a.m.!  I hope everyone has a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend.  I can't believe we are in September! 

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