Friday, March 8, 2013

Lottie - 2 Year Doctor Appointment / Growth Update

Weight: 25.8lbs (55%)

Height: 33 inches (25%)

Head circumference: 47.5 cm (60%)

Wednesday afternoon was Lottie's 2 year well visit.  It's hard to believe that this time two years ago, she was less than a month old.  My how time flies.  I don't think I'll ever stop saying it.  A couple of months before the appointment we were given a 5 page form to complete full of tests and questions regarding her development.  It involved communication skills, motor skills, etc.  I believe the test is performed because of the ever growing autism diagnoses every year.  Thankfully, Lottie excelled in all categories.  Feeling very blessed and thankful!

During this well visit we discussed potty training, nutrition, dental hygiene and safety.  Lottie also had her final Hepatitis A vaccine to complete the series.  I believe this particular vaccine is optional, but due to the fact that we travel overseas to England, the doctor felt that it would be beneficial for her to have it.  The great news is that Lottie is completely finished with getting vaccines / shots until she is 5 years old.  We also don't go back to see the doctor until Lottie is 3 years old.  I never thought I would see the day!!!!!  I felt like we were regulars there for awhile with all of the ear infections Lottie kept having around age 1.  On that note, after a look in her ears on Wednesday, she still has two beautiful tubes in her ears!  I don't think I can say enough about tubes other than they are lifesavers!


Speech: Lottie is definitely becoming a chatty little thing!  Most of what comes out of her mouth I understand.  But sometimes she starts these long winded conversations where she shrugs her shoulders, tilts her head and looks to me like HELLO, did you not just hear me.  It's those times I feel like I need a translator.  Like I said though, her sentences have gone from basic stuff: "Sit down", "Thank You", "Please", etc. to "One more please mommy", "Daddy go bye bye in the car", "Where did the cow go?", etc.  Her sentences have definitely gone from two words upwards to 4, sometimes 5.  Our conversations home from day care every day are becoming more and more amusing.  It's truly amazing how that little brain of hers continues to grow.  She's also getting better and better at memorizing and learning more challenging words.  I bought these sticker books from Walmart ($1.00) that help kids learn their first words, pets, numbers, colors, etc. and they are wonderful.  She adores stickers and these books can keep her entertained upwards to 30 minutes.  And the great part about them is that she is learning.  It's almost like a matching game where she matches the sticker to the number, color, etc.  While she is matching, we discuss why she is putting the sticker there, how many of something there is, etc.  I could go on all day about how wonderful these sticker books are.  If you have a toddler, they are a must.  You can find them at Walmart where the children's books, coloring books, etc. are.  And you really can't beat it for $1.00 each. 

Nutrition: Honestly, I couldn't believe Lottie hit the 50% for weight when we went to the doctor.  Her appetite is the most unpredictable thing EVER!  One day, she'll sit down and eat like a little pig (well, finishing her meal), then the next 5 days, she won't eat but three bites of each meal.  The easiest meal is definitely breakfast.  It is the only meal where she seems to eat most of what she is given.  I guess if you are going to eat one meal, breakfast is the best.  Her usual go to is fruit oatmeal.  She's loved it since she was a baby.  At daycare, she usually gets a mid morning snack, lunch and an afternoon snack.  She normally eats both snacks but when it comes to lunch she never has an A (all) beside anything when I get her report in the afternoon.  It is always S or N (some / none).  And of course dinner is barely touched most days.  During the past few weeks, I've been getting aggravated with her eating patterns / concerned really that she isn't getting enough nutrition, calories down her.  But after speaking with the doctor, he said that you would be surprised at what they actually do get down them.  He said not to force foods as a reaction to my anxiety, but rather continue to provide her with snacks of cheese, fruits, veggies, and milk.  So, last night as my child refused dinner (not even a bite), she ended up eating two little chunks of cheddar cheese.  I tried reminded myself that if she gets hungry, she'll eat and she's definitely not afraid to ask.  Chill out T! 

Pacifier: Lottie has done amazing!!!!!!!  She has not had her paci since last Monday - almost two weeks.  I couldn't be more proud of her.  She has done great.  She still asks for it every now and again but doesn't get upset or angry when we tell her no.  I can't believe how easy it was.  Knock on wood!

Potty Training: This is our next big "thing".  Currently, we've got her Minnie Mouse tiny toilet set up and she sits down on it every day.  Granted, she is sitting down with her diaper still on, but is getting more and more used to the idea.  She starts in her new classroom at day care next week, so I am really going to start pushing the potty on her.  I am hoping that she will transition pretty easy, but I'm no fool, I know how hard potty training is going to be and am not looking forward to all of the upcoming "accidents" in our future.  I feel like I am going to have to put plastic over everything.  :)  After speaking with the doctor and picking his brain on how he did it with his young children, it sounds like a little bribery might be in our future.  He suggested using / putting up a chart in the bathroom along w/ a bag of m&ms.  For example, every time she goes #1, she gets two m&ms and every time she goes #2 she gets 4.  He also suggested going to the dollar store and buying $1 gifts and using that as bribery as well.  Hopefully soon after, she will get the gist of using the bathroom and gifts/candy will be a thing of the past. I am hoping by 2.5 years, Lottie will be full blown potty trained.  I am going to look into buying pull ups today when I go to Walmart for cleaning supplies, etc.  I am also going to look into some Minnie Mouse undies and princess undies for her to start wearing.  Wish us luck as I know this is going to be a process.  :)

Skin: Ever since we got tubes put in Lottie's ears, we've rarely had to see the doctor.  She's had a few issues with constipation for which we have a prescription to use as needed, but other than that, nothing major.  However, sweet girl has got Eczema.  She's got it on her legs, shoulders, hips and arms.  About a year ago we were given a very mild prescription cream to use but it is not cutting it anymore.  It just does not work.  Over the past couple of months, I have been rubbing Lottie down with Palmer's Stretch Mark cream.  It actually seems to help.  The doctor said the thicker and greasier the better.  So, every night, Lottie and I rub each other down with our cream.  Lottie calls is BOO BOO cream.  I find it hilarious that she and I are rubbing each other down with stretch mark cream especially since she is 2!  Never too soon to start right?  HA!  During our visit with the doctor, he gave me a stronger cream to use on the affected areas to hopefully clear it up before spring/summer where she'll be wearing less clothes.  I think with the weather being so cold, it really dries it up more than normal. 

Time Out: You best believe we've got a time out chair.  It sits against the wall in our living room.  I call it "THE CHAIR".  She hates it!  Over the last couple of months, Lottie's little attitude and tantrum throwing has become more and more frequent.  I mean some of the things she throws fits over really baffle me!  For instance, "I don't want to wear that shoe, so I am going to chuck it across the room" or "I don't want to wear my coat when it's 30 degrees out so I'm going to lay on the floor and cry and scream."  Oh and some of my favorites are, "I'm not going to sit in the high chair when we go out for dinner" and "I'm not going to sit in the shopping cart at the store".  This type of behavior is just unacceptable.  For one, it is straight up embarrassing!  I usually give her a stern warning, sometimes a pop on the hand or behind depending on where we are and most definitely time out when we are home.  I usually make her sit for up to 5 minutes.  I've become pretty good at not caving.   I try really hard to discipline her like she should be and always explain to her why it is that she has been disciplined.  I just feel that if we can nip this in the bud now, she will be a much more respectful, good hearted kid as she grows.  Disciplining her is no fun - it is times like these when guidance from my parents would really help.  But if you knew my dad, he would say wearing her little butt out would be the best way.  :) 

Favorites: Snacks (I know I said that she doesn't eat, but she loves to snack!) - goldfish, bananas, edemame, anything dipped in Ranch (she doesn't actually eat the veggie - she just sucks the Ranch off), crackers, york peppermint patties, oranges, peaches, cheerios, fruit snacks, yogurt, juice boxes, etc.  Her favorite food is probably pizza!  We don't have it very often, but when we do, she loves it!  It is probably one of the only meals that she ever finishes. 

Favorite Activities: Sticker books, reading, coloring, baby dolls, Minnie Mouse anything, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Chuggington, dancing, kicking a soccer ball w/ Dad, playing catch, wearing mommy's shoes around the house, etc.

That about sums up our two year well visit with the doctor.  Now, if I can just start getting her to wear her hair up on a daily basis, that would be WONDERFUL!  If you see her with her hair up, you have to know that it was an act of congress to get it up!  :)

Here's a couple of quick photos of Lottie at the doctor's office.  She did wonderful with her shot and the visit all together.  She was such a big girl!  So proud!

Every time I say, "CHEESE", she squints her eyes to where they are almost closed. 

She decided to get really comfortable before the doctor came in and laid on her belly to do a puzzle.  This kid cracks me up!  I had to get a few pics!

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