Monday, January 28, 2013

25 Weeks - Mini Coop #2

Due Date: May 11, 2013

SURGERY DATE: MAY 3, 2013 - STILL FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  14 weeks to go!  YIKES!

Total Weight Gain (CRINGE): 16 lbs..............................My eating has been totally OOC this past month and the scales certainly showed it!!!!!!!!  Whoa!  I need to get myself in check!  I can't stop eating!! 

M- Yoga & Group Power
W - Insanity
T - Arrichion (MMA)
F- Insanity

Symptoms: INSOMNIA, bloody gums when flossing/brushing and getting up two to three times a night to go to the bathroom.  I am also starting to get that uncomfortable feeling of not being able to breathe as freely as before.  I feel a bit more winded when going up stairs and bending over to pick up Lottie or anything off the floor is becoming a little uncomfortable.

Thyroid: Next follow up appointment is in March. Lab work came back great after increasing my dosage so hopefully I can keep my appointment in March and not have to go back before then.

Maternity Clothes:  EVERYTHING is full on maternity now!  My belly really shot out there these last couple of weeks.  I swear I didn't start showing until I was 25 weeks along the last time around.  I definitely feel like I am growing by the meal!!  :)

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!

Movement:  She is moving more and more every day.  Most active times seem to be in the morning at my desk and right before bed.

Food Cravings: Oranges!!!!  No lie, I am eating like 4 to 5 of them a day!  So delicious!  Now, if I only I can find someone to start peeling them for me!

Food Aversions: Chinese food - the last couple of times I've had it has just been BLAH!

Best Moment of the Week:  Spending a little quality time w/ my BFFs for restaurant week.  We met on Thursday night at Zink.  We laughed and ate our faces off.  It was just good to be out and about with the girls!  I miss my girl's nights out here and there! 

What I Miss: My sanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)  I swear this past week my hormones really got the best of me!  Steve and Lottie were driving me nuts!  Between the whining, crying and tantrums, I honestly just wanted to lock myself in my bedroom!  Most of the time, I tend not to let it get to me b/c I know it is only a phase, but this past week really made me feel like I was going crazy.  I also felt like I was the only one doing any of the disciplining, which made me bite Steve's head off a couple of times.  He just laughed which made me even more crazy!

Differences Between 1st Pregnancy & 2nd Pregnancy: I know exactly when I am planning on having this baby!!!!!!!  Of course, I realize there is a possibility of that not happening, but for the most part, this baby is coming on May 3!!!!!!!!

Fears/Dreading: TO TIE OR NOT TO TIE..............  Do I or don't I???????????  Since I'll be having a c-section, it is going to be very easy to go ahead and get the tubes tied while she's in there.  The question is should I???????  I know only I can answer that, but if anyone would like to chime in, please do!!!!  Steve is 100% saying no more babies, but I just wonder if 5 years down the road I'll regret not having anymore.

Follow Up Appointments/Ultrasounds: Next f/u appt. with my doctor is February 14.  I will also have the glucose screening test to check for gestational diabetes.

Bump Photo: Sunday Brunch (Steve refers to this dress as "a bedsheet" - such a sweetheart!)

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