Tuesday, January 1, 2013

21 Weeks - Mini Coop # 2

Due Date: May 11, 2013 - OVER HALF WAY THERE!!!!!!!!!!

Total Weight Gain (CRINGE): 7 lbs (shocked after the holidays!!!) Could not believe my latest weigh in at the doctor.  I was expecting another 7 lbs.

ZERO - What can I say, it's the holidays........

Symptoms: A growing mid section, a little insomnia, bloody gums when flossing/brushing and getting up twice a night to go to the bathroom. Oh and the tatas are getting OOC - I just broke out the DD bras!  Awesome!

Thyroid: Next follow up appointment is in March. Lab work came back great after increasing my dosage so hopefully I can keep my appointment in March and not have to go back before then.

Maternity Clothes:  I've held out as long as possible, but don't think I can wait much longer.  Being off the last week has given me the chance to go through and hang up all of my maternity clothes and access what I have and what I need.  I don't plan on buying too much as this is probably my last pregnancy, but a few fun tops never hurt anyone!  Steve and I did run up to Concord Mills for a walk around the other day and we popped into Motherhood Maternity.  I bought two nursing gowns for 50% off which is something I wished I had more of the last time around.  I lived in the two I had throughout the time I was nursing.

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!

Movement:  The flutters are getting more and more regular and I love it.  It really is the best part about being pregnant.

Food Cravings: SWEETS, SWEETS, SWEETS!!!  I knew I was having a girl!!!  My sweet tooth is OOC!  I just want to drink hot tea and eat sweets.  I really need to get back to work so I can get back to a normal routine with proper eating and exercise asap!!!

Food Aversions: CHICKEN - still avoiding it! 

Best Moment of the Week:  A family trip to the doctor.  It was the first time my OBGYN has seen Lottie since she was born.  It was cute!!  I got to hear my little lady's heartbeat which is always reassuring to me.  The funniest thing happened when we were at the doctor.  I went to give a urine sample and was carrying it back to the exam room when Lottie starts screaming, "JUICE, JUICE!!"  The nursing staff was laughing their heads off!!  It was hilarious!

What I Miss: Shellfish!!  I felt like I totally missed out on crab legs and shrimp cocktail over the holidays!!!  I love me some seafood, especially shellfish!!

Differences Between 1st Pregnancy & 2nd Pregnancy: The weight gain has not been as much early on as it was the last time around.  During my first pregnancy every time I went to the doctor, I was gaining 7 lbs.  Every month, it would be another 7 lbs.  This time around, the exercise is definitely helping, not to mention, I haven't been drinking the non alcoholic wine either which just packs on the calories. 

Fears/Dreading: No fears this week other than hoping to have a healthy baby when it is all over and done with.

Follow Up Appointments/Ultrasounds: Next f/u appt. with my doctor is January 21st!

Bump Photo: The mini photobomber!!!

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap!!! DD's?!?!?!!? I cant with your boobies right now! HA!
