Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Staycation 2012

I had a whole 11 days off from work and it was heaven!!!!!!!!  It was great that the three of us could spend the entire time together without having to worry about work and daycare, etc.  I will say though that it is a bit of a relief for me to be back on some kind of routine!  I'm pretty sure I ate my way through the holidays.  Just thinking about it, makes me a little ill!  :)  Not kidding - my sweet tooth is beyond what a "normal" craving should be!!  But hey, that is what the holidays are all about - great food, great company and spending time with your loved ones. 

This year was especially fun watching Lottie tear into her presents.  She knew exactly what she was doing!  Not only did she want to rip into her presents, but everyone else as well.  It was cute!  Santa was very good to all of us. 

Here is an obnoxious amount of photos I took over the break!  SORRY!

My 96 year old grandma, myself, Amy & Lottie

Christmas Eve morning dance party / baking party

The girl loves to dance (especially when she hears rap music!)  HA!

Pecan Rolo Pretzel goodies!  So yummy!!  Ate way too many of these!

Prosciutto wrapped melon

My first attempt at Whoopie Pies - they were massive!  I sent them home w/ friends - a little toooooooooo sweet for me!

Christmas night spread - we typically do finger foods and a ham.  I made a Tex Mex Pimento Cheese Dip that was to die for!  I got it out of my new Christmas Southern Cook Book.  Delish!

Christmas Eve at the LaRoccas - Lottie and I spent most of our evening around the food! 

Lottie stuffing her face!

Lottie and her Aunt Amy - she loves her to pieces!  Finally - she smiles! 

Ripping into her first present

After every gift she opened, she would hold it up and say, "Wow Mommy"

Bella, Lottie and Ari

Lottie loves these girls to death - she thinks she is such a big girl when playing with them!

It's a tea set!  (Don't worry, I cut her hair again the following day - it grew so fast in the front!)

Bella & Lottie dancing to Bella's new Twister dance game

Christmas Morning!!!!!!!!!!  Lottie was ready to go!!

Lottie and I with the roaring fire on in the background!!  Steve hates the roaring fire DVD!  HA - I play it to just get him wound up!  :)

HUGE mistake made by me!!!  I bought Lottie a candy necklace for her stocking and she immediately had to have it - that is all she had any interest in the rest of the morning until it was all gone!  She didn't even want to open any more gifts - just wanted to eat her necklace and sit on my lap!

Steve knows me oh so well!!  I LOVE the Housewives franchise - so he bought me the cutest wine glass ever!! I heart it!

Checking out her new shirt - showing us "how pretty"

The perfect mess free gift for the child who loves to color!!!!!!!!!

Christmas night - crowding around the food once again!

Mrs. Beverly and Lottie

She loves Mrs. Beverly!!!

Crocs from her aunt Jeanette

And that about wraps up our time together at Christmas!!!!!!!!!!  Of course after Christmas, we spent time relaxing, napping, working on Lottie's big girl room, buying furniture, cleaning, watching movies, playing with new toys, eating, etc. 

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and 2013 is a great year for us all!  :) 

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