Wednesday, January 23, 2013

24 Weeks - Mini Coop #2

Due Date: May 11, 2013

SURGERY DATE: MAY 3, 2013 - TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  During yesterday's appointment, my doctor went ahead and scheduled my c-section and gave me the information to pre-register for the hospital!  I don't know why, but I guess seeing the date set in stone has gotten me a little anxious!  It is a good thing my blood pressure was checked at the beginning of the appointment because after that bit of info. was laid on me, I could feel my blood pressure shoot through the roof! 

Total Weight Gain (CRINGE): 16 lbs..............................Holy crap - so my eating has been totally OOC this past month and the scales certainly showed it!!!!!!!!  Whoa!  I need to get myself in check!

M- Group Power
T - Arrichion (Warrior)
W - Insanity
T - Arrichion (MMA)
S - Arrichion (Warrior)

Symptoms: INSOMNIA, bloody gums when flossing/brushing and getting up two to three times a night to go to the bathroom.  Honestly though, I feel pretty darn amazing!!!! 

Thyroid: Next follow up appointment is in March. Lab work came back great after increasing my dosage so hopefully I can keep my appointment in March and not have to go back before then.

Maternity Clothes:  Okay, so the time has come.............Maternity everything from here on out!!!  :)  I took a little trip to Destination Maternity this past weekend and picked up a couple more tops and a pair of work pants.  That place will suck you in if you aren't careful.  Of course, they have all of your designer clothes hanging in the front of the store and everything is adorable!  I found myself trying on a $150 dress.  Thank goodness it looked hideous on, b/c the last thing I need to do is buy a $150 anything especially b/c we just got a letter stating Lottie's and the new baby's day care has gone up in price AGAIN!  Awesome!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!

Movement:  Most days I can feel her move pretty regularly throughout the day, but sometimes as I am lying in bed after a long work day, I think back and realize that I've not felt much movement throughout the day.  At that point, I try talking to her - asking her to give her mama a little nudge to let me know she's okay in there.  I try not to worry about much, but when I'm pregnant, I become the world's biggest worry wart.  Poor Steve is all I can say! 

Food Cravings: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Last week, I ate 4 of them!  Yep!  I haven't had one in years, but for whatever reason, I was craving a sweet sandwich and thought that would be perfect.  I brought one for lunch on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and had one on Saturday.  It was the most delicious sandwich I've put in my mouth in a really long time!

Food Aversions: No aversions this past week - I was in full fat mode!  (See above weight gain!!)

Best Moment of the Week:  Picking out Mini Coop #2's first name!!!  I asked Lottie to repeat after me and Lottie has nailed the name!  It is so freaking cute to hear her say it!  I can't hardly stand it!  However, we are a very long ways away from picking out a middle name!  So difficult!

What I Miss: This past week I was really having a hankering for sushi!  It's one of those things that I can NOT wait to have again!  Just over 3 months now!

Differences Between 1st Pregnancy & 2nd Pregnancy: During my first pregnancy, I did not exercise one bit.  It took Steve and I about a year and a half to conceive Lottie after numerous tests and a fertility medication, so there was no way I was taking any chances on anything happening to that baby.  However, this time around I have been trying to maintain a pretty regular work out routine and because of that, I feel wonderful!  Don't get me wrong, I had a really easy pregnancy with Lottie as well, but I think my energy levels have really skyrocketed this time around because of it. 

Fears/Dreading: I am dreading cleaning bottles again!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Steve and I were talking about it the other day and we were both like, "UGGGHHHHH"

Follow Up Appointments/Ultrasounds: Next f/u appt. with my doctor is February 14.  I will also have the glucose screening test to check for gestational diabetes.

Bump Photo: Date night!!  Can you believe we have not been out alone since August????????  Long overdue!  It was much needed!  (Steve's man room by the way)


1 comment:

  1. Are you gonna fill me in on the name??!?!!? I am your only blog commenter :)
