Tuesday, January 8, 2013

22 Weeks - Mini Coop #2

Due Date: May 11, 2013 - 18 weeks to go!!

Total Weight Gain (CRINGE): 7 lbs - unreal!!!!!!!!!  I think the scale must be broke! 

W - Insanity
(Not a great week to get back into it w/ NYE, etc!)

Symptoms: A growing mid section, major insomnia, bloody gums when flossing/brushing and getting up three times a night to go to the bathroom - it's like the baby just loves hanging out on top of my bladder at night. I think that may be one reason for the insomnia!  Overall, I feel really healthy and great!

Thyroid: Next follow up appointment is in March. Lab work came back great after increasing my dosage so hopefully I can keep my appointment in March and not have to go back before then.

Maternity Clothes:  I've held out as long as possible, but this past week, I broke out my first pair of maternity jeans.  Most of my maternity jeans are too big in the booty / hip part right now, so the only pair I have that I really feel comfortable in, I have been rocking!  I am wearing my belly band with everything though now.  There is no way my gut is getting into any regular work pants / jeans without it.  The great thing about the belly band for me is that it allows me to still get into pants that fit great in the booty / leg area but not at all in the waste.  With maternity pants, I find they tend to expand in the booty / leg area, which will work out great in the next few weeks when my bum grows another bum!  On another note, I went to Old Navy the other day to look around and ended up buying a pair of maternity work out pants, a pair of blue skinny jeans and two dresses that were all on sale!  By now you know Frugal McDougal loves a bargain!! 

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!

Movement:  I felt the baby move from the outside this past week!!!  It was amazing!  I just can't believe that I am able to feel her move from the outside so much sooner than the last pregnancy.  What's even better is that Steve put his hand on my stomach yesterday at just the right time and was able to feel her kick.  :)

Food Cravings: PANCAKES!!!  Steve and I went to IHOP on New Years Day for breakfast b/c he had never been before and it is all I can do not to think about pancakes.  I ordered the whole grain, walnut, oats stack and it was amazing!!  I have not had a pancake in months but now it is all I can think about.  So much so that while out grocery shopping yesterday, I picked up some Bisquick to whip up my own at home.  Obsessed to say the least!  Geezzzz

Food Aversions: CHICKEN - yep, we are still avoiding it!  I think I am about over it, but Steve squirms when I mention the word chicken! 

Best Moment of the Week:  Every night before bed, I apply my tummy rub to help prevent any kind of stretch marks due to a growing belly.  My favorite is the Mama Mio Tubby Rub Butter.  It is brilliant!!!!!!!  It is kind of pricey ($35 for a small tub) but I swear by it.  I used it the last time around and thank goodness, no stretch marks to report.  I also alternate sometimes as to keep costs down with Palmers Stretch Mark Cream.  Steve actually put two tubes of that in my stocking for Christmas (guess he is trying to make sure no stretch marks happen either).  Anyways - Lottie is such a little copy cat - everything I do to prep for bed time, she has to do as well, so we both make sure our teeth are brushed, faces are clean, etc.  It is super cute.  The best is now that I am lathering the belly up before bed, Lottie wants to make sure she helps.  So, I give her the tiniest amount of lotion and she helps rub my belly down all the while saying, "baby".  She's so sweet while doing it.  I have a feeling Lottie is going to be a great little helper when the baby comes, which is such a relief to this mama to be. 

What I Miss: I've said it before - I miss sleeping on my stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I think it is a MAJOR contributor to my insomnia!!  I just can NOT get comfortable sleeping on my side!  I hate it! 

Differences Between 1st Pregnancy & 2nd Pregnancy: My face keeps breaking out!!!!!!!!!!!  During my first pregnancy, my face really broke out during the first trimester, but afterwards, it was smooth sailing.  For the love of hormones, my face keeps breaking out!!!!!!!!  Ugghhh, I hate zits!  I feel like a dang 15 year old girl!  Hopefully, this will be my last break out!  I mean come on hormones!  Give this chinny chin a break!

Fears/Dreading: Dreading losing the baby weight again!!!!!!!! 

Follow Up Appointments/Ultrasounds: Next f/u appt. with my doctor is January 22nd!

Bump Photo: Hello baby bump!

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