Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Waxhonian Chronicles Turns ONE

This week marks the one year anniversary of the blog!  This post also marks my 100th post!  I feel like I should be receiving some sort of prize!  Well, not really, but who doesn't love a great prize?

I have to say that I've enjoyed keeping track and recording memories of my little family.  It has been a fun process and something I know I will appreciate down the road when Lottie gets older.  It's like our own storybook of memories. 

Here's a look back at a few previous posts.............Remember these?

Conversations In The Car (7/26/11)

Tonya: "So, you've not really said anything about my hair / bangs since I got them cut, what do you think?"
Steve: "I don't know - it's fine."
Tonya: "Why is it that every time I ask you a question about what I'm wearing or if I've done something different, you either say it's fine or you don't know?"
Steve: "Because I'm a man and I just don't take notice to all that stuff."
Tonya: "Okay, but just this once can you be completely honest and tell me what you think about my hair."
Steve: "Fine - I think it looks like an 18 year old hair cut."
Tonya: "Excuse me??"
Steve: "Yeah, I think it looks like a kid's hair cut."
Tonya: "OK THEN, pretty sure I'm going to need you to refer back to your old ways and say it's fine."
Steve: "It's fine."

Can You Say Mama? (10/20/11)

No, not quite yet, but don't think I don't ask her everyday if she can say it! 

Speaking of first words - take a stab at what Steve's first word was.......................  BEET ROOT

That's right Beet Root????????  How strange and oddly funny is that?  I chuckle every time I think about it.

Speaking of chuckling, I finally took video on my phone and was able to upload it to You Tube.  I guess photos will only show so much especially when it comes to laughing and babbling.

This is Lottie on Tuesday morning before day care.  Turn the volume all the way up!  :)

Meet Me at the Pumpkin Patch (10/26/11)

Friday - last Friday was Pajama Day at day care.  All the infants wore their pajamas including the teachers.  Steve bought Lottie a pair of pumpkin pajamas a couple of weeks back.  Let me just stop and say that Lottie has Steve wrapped around her finger!  Every time he runs out for a quick trip to Target or Marshalls, anywhere - he always comes back with two or three outfits for Lottie.  It is so funny.  But I guess that is the thing with having little girls - EVERYTHING is so darn cute, you can't help it!  He always says, "Well, I couldn't not buy my little girl something."  Steve is going to be in TROUBLE when she gets older. 

She was being a little wiggle worm, so couldn't really catch a still picture! 

Snuggle time with Dad before bed on Friday night!

On Saturday, Steve spent most of the morning cleaning the garage out (there were so many boxes of diapers, etc. out there)  While he was busy doing that, Lottie I and I went to visit my grandma.  She has a big birthday coming up in November!  95 years old!  I'll never live to see 95!  :)

On Saturday afternoon, we grabbed a late lunch and took Lottie to the pumpkin patch to finally pick up a couple of pumpkins and of course get photos of Lottie!

She was just staring at the hay, not moving an inch!

Late Saturday afternoon, Steve continued to clean the garage and I went through all of Lottie's clothes that she could no longer wear and packed them away.  I swear the girl has more clothes than I do and she is 8 months old! 

After a long day, Lottie was bouncing away in her jumper while I was sitting on the couch working on a project.  10 minutes or so went by and I didn't hear a peep so I walked over to see what Lottie was doing and she had passed out in her jumper.  I was dying laughing.  She had her hands over her eyes and was out.  Guess she was SLEEPY! 

On Sunday, we tailgated with a few people that Steve used to work with.  Everything was great until the game started.  The stadium was FULL!  I haven't seen the stadium that full since we were in the playoffs a few years back.  The noise level was just too much for Lottie.  It scared her half to death so we left right before half time and came home.  Poor baby.  She did so well at the last game we took her to, but then again, it wasn't near as full as it was this time around. 

So looking forward to this weekend!  My sister and brother in law are coming into town to see Lottie!  My sister hasn't seen Lottie since Labor Day Weekend so she is DYING to get back home.  


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