Friday, June 29, 2012

Our First Incident Report

This week marked the first week I was told that an incident occurred at daycare.  I was told that I would need to sign an incident/injury report before leaving acknowledging what had happened.  My first thoughts were, "Oh gah, what has my child done?"  "Has she hit someone, bit someone, kicked someone?" 

As I walked to her classroom to read the report, it was the exact opposite.  As I read over and reviewed the report, I couldn't help but giggle over the way it was written.  It read something like this:

Location of Incident: Classroom

Equipment / Product Involved: Toy Phone

Description of Incident / Injury Specific Body Parts Involved: Left forehead

Description of How Incident / Injury Occurred: Charlotte and a friend were playing, the friend got upset and hit Charlotte.

First Aid or Medical Care Required: Applied Ice

Diagnosis / Follow up Plan: Kept Applying Ice

I don't know about you, but for some reason every time I read this report, I have the Pink Panther music playing in the back of my mind.  Ha!  Try it!

In the end, Lottie was perfectly fine and there was no mark on her head whatsoever.  Kids are going to be kids I suppose and these things are bound to happen. 

So, until next time................


  1. You better tell that kid to back up off of Lot Lot!!!!

  2. LOL's!!!! Kick her ass Lottie Dottie! :) Ha, that's cute T! :)
