Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Conversations in the Car

Tonya: "So, you've not really said anything about my hair / bangs since I got them cut, what do you think?"
Steve: "I don't know - it's fine."
Tonya: "Why is it that everytime I ask you a question about what I'm wearing or if I've done something different, you either say it's fine or you don't know?"
Steve: "Because I'm a man and I just don't take notice to all that stuff."
Tonya: "Okay, but just this once can you be completely honest and tell me what you think about my hair."
Steve: "Fine - I think it looks like an 18 year old hair cut."
Tonya: "Excuse me??"
Steve: "Yeah, I think it looks like a kid's hair cut."
Tonya: "OK THEN, pretty sure I'm going to need you to refer back to your old ways and say it's fine."
Steve: "It's fine."