Monday, February 18, 2013

28 Weeks - Mini Coop #2

Due Date: May 11, 2013 - HELLO 3RD TRIMESTER!!!

SURGERY DATE: MAY 3, 2013 - 11 weeks to go!!!

Total Weight Gain (CRINGE): 21 lbs - YIKES!

This past week during my visit to the doctor, I did the glucose screening test.  It really is a piece of cake.  You have to drink a sugary fruit punch drink within 5 minutes, then wait an hour to have your blood drawn to see if you are at risk for gestational diabetes.  I didn't have any issues with Lottie, so am hopeful there will be no issues this time around. 

I also had to have a RhoGam injection in the bum.  I have Rh Negative blood (O Negative) which means that I don't have a certain protein on the surface of my red blood cells.  It can be serious if you are Rh negative and carrying a baby that is Rh positive (like baby's father).  It can cause serious disease in your baby (scary).  The injection helps suppress my immune system from fighting off Rh positive blood cells which have entered into my blood stream from the baby.  I had to have the injection the last time I was around 28 weeks pregnant and a second injection after Lottie was born. 

M- Insanity
T - Arrichion (Warrior)
W - Insanity
T - Arrichion (MMA)

The Tuesday Warrior class is kicking my bum!  I guess they don't call it Warrior for nothing!

Symptoms: INSOMNIA (no joke - the worst!!!), bloody gums when brushing / flossing, getting up THREE times a night to potty, hot flashes,  not being able to hold Lottie for more than a minute and a little hip pain at night (due to sleeping on my sides).  Despite it all, I feel great, just really wish I could get some rest!  I'm tired! 

Thyroid: Next follow up appointment is March 22, 2013. Lab work came back great after increasing my dosage so hopefully I can keep my appointment in March and not have to go back before then.

Maternity Clothes:  EVERYTHING!!!!! 

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!

Movement:  She is moving more and more every week!  Most active times seem to be when I'm sitting at my desk.

Food Cravings: Holy COW - so, since we had Lottie's birthday party on Saturday, I have been eating sweets like it is my job!  It feels like the holidays for crying out loud!  I hate to do it, but I'm going to have to throw out the sweets tonight - I have ZERO and I mean ZERO self control when it comes to sweets.  In the trash it all goes tonight!  I may need a little help from Steve to physically make myself do it!  Geezzzzz

Food Aversions: See above - clearly there were NO aversions this past week!

Best Moment of the Week:  Hearing my little girl's heartbeat this past Thursday!  It always provides such comfort. 

What I Miss: SLEEP!!!!!!!!

Differences Between 1st Pregnancy & 2nd Pregnancy: During my first pregnancy all I thought about was being pregnant and how slow time was passing by.  This time around, it seems this pregnancy has really passed me by.  I am going to try really hard to soak in this last trimester.  It will be the last baby, so I am going to try to hold onto these last precious weeks.

Fears/Dreading: Dreading the cost of having two kids in day care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Follow Up Appointments/Ultrasounds: Next f/u appt. with my doctor is March 4, 2013.  I start going every two weeks now!

Bump Photo: Did I mention HOT FLASHES?????????  I know I look like I'm headed to the beach, but mama was sweating! 


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