Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hand Foot & Mouth Disease / Our First Weekend Away

It is official!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Lottie caught HFMD last week. 

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a common childhood illness. It causes sores in the mouth and on the hands, feet, and sometimes the buttocks and legs.  It can occur at any time of year, but hand-foot-and-mouth disease is most common in the summer and fall.  The virus spreads easily through coughing and sneezing.

Matt and Danielle got married this past weekend in Pittsburgh.  It was our first weekend away from Lottie.  I knew that being without her for 48 hours or so was going to be rough but had no idea what was actually in store for us. 

To recap, last Monday and Tuesday Lottie had a Rocephin injection for her never ending ear infection.  Thankfully after a recheck of her ears on Wednesday, her ear infection healed 100%! 

On Thursday night, I noticed that Lottie had a small bump on her face and a few bumps on her left arm.  She also had some diaper rash.  I thought maybe she was having a reaction to the Rocephin injections earlier in the week. 

On Friday morning, I noticed that the diaper rash had gotten a little bit worse.  She seemed like her usual happy self so Steve and I dropped her off at daycare and headed to the airport to catch our flight at 9:55 a.m.

Around 1:00 p.m., I received a call from daycare stating Lottie had a 102 fever.  Holy waterworks - this mama about lost it.  Being at work and getting the phone call is one thing but being a few states away is quite another.  I immediately called my cousin who was keeping Lottie for the weekend and told her what was going on.  Without hesitation and asking any questions, she wrapped things up at work and went and picked Lottie up.  Meanwhile, I spent the next two hours on the phone with her pediatrician's office trying to diagnose her and figure out if she needed to be seen or not.  At the same time, I was faxing a permission slip over to the doctor stating my daughter could be treated.  In the end, my cousin took her in and she was diagnosed w/ HFMD. 

On one hand, I was so sad to hear that, but on the other, I was so glad that it wasn't an allergic reaction to the Rocephin. 

I spent all of this week sanitzing everything in our house - toys, sheets, high chair, etc.

Overall, this couldn't have happened at a worse time.  I felt so guilty not being there for my baby when she needed me.  Everyone kept telling me to stop feeling that way, but when you are a mama - you can't help it!
I tried to enjoy the rest of the weekend away - and I think we did.  The wedding/reception was so much fun and I'm so glad that we were able to share this day w/ our good friends.  It was definitely memorable! 

Congratulations Z & D!!!!  Hope you are having the best time on your honeymoon!  So jealous!

A special thank you to my cousin Ginger!  I honestly don't know what I would do without her.  I am so thankful she was watching Lottie this past weekend.  She is a mama of two and is my go to for all things baby!  While I'm spazing out and being a worry wart - she is the epitomy of calm!  Thank you for all you do!  Love you!!

A few of the ladies

The Bride

Sweet Maids

Reception hair

Steve, the Groom's dad and I

First Dance 

Some of the fellas

My sis and bro-in-law

The Bride and I

Priscilla and I

The Bride's Parents

The Groom and Steve

Hacker and Steve

Todd & Steve

Time for BED!!!!!  Mama's feet hurt!

On another note - my camera really let me down this past weekend!  Hoping Santa brings me a nice one now that we have Lottie!  If anyone has any reccomendations, please ADVISE!!!! 

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