Tuesday, October 18, 2011

8 Months Old / Milestones

Lottie is 8 months old today!!!  Happy 8 Months Baby!!!!

Milestones, Milestones, Milestones.............  Over the last week, Lottie has desperately been trying to crawl.  She positions herself on her belly and tries to reach and grab at anything in front of her.  When she grabs it, she scoots her little bum backwards back into a sitting position.  She will play with her toy until she spies something else that looks more entertaining.  She then starts the process all over - belly, reach, back to sitting.  This goes on for what seems like ages.  Sometimes though instead of sitting back into the sitting position, she starts scooting backwards either on her bum or belly.  When she is on the hardwood floor, she can scoot backwards for miles it seems!

I imagine that any day now our lives are going to change once again.  For now, we can walk out of the room and know that when we walk back into the room, she is going to be in the same area.  Speaking of which, I am in serious need of baby proofing the house.  I've stuck the plastic outlet covers in the living room outlets, but need to finish the rest of the house.  I also need to put the cabinet safety hinges on our bottom cabinets in the kitchen.  I don't know why, but I've been putting this off for weeks!

Once again, this past weekend was very relaxing!  We had dinner with the newlyweds on Friday night.  On Saturday, we ran errands in the morning, stopped and had lunch and a beer, took a nap in the afternoon and decorated my front porch for fall.  We finished the night off catching up with episodes of The Millionaire Matchmaker (sshhhhhh, Steve will kill me if I told anyone he watches with me.)  Sunday was spent skyping with Steve's parents and watching football all day!!!  It was so nice for the grandparents to see Lottie and how much she has changed.  She is constantly laughing and saying "huh".  She is such a little ham.  I have a feeling she is going to be very comedic like! 

Here are a few pictures to wrap up our weekend!

Checking out what is in her box........ 

That's right, I'm about to tip this box over and have toys all over!

Bouncing up and down up and down

Night Night Giggles

Fall decorations

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