Thursday, September 6, 2012

18 Months Old

Weight: 22 lbs, 12 oz (50%)

Height: 31 inches (25%)

Head Circumference: 46 cm

Shots: Flu, Pentacel

Let's just go ahead and get the obvious out of the way here..........."Why is this child so small?  I mean hey, look at her parents!"  If you have found yourself in the past asking the same question, don't worry, Steve and I ask that question all the time.  We are just not small people!  Steve and I both have big builds.  It just doesn't make sense!  :)

The doctor is in no way shape or form concerned about her growth.  He stated that she has continuously grown at a  steady pace since she was born.  In other words, she is a healthy 18 month old child - so don't start worrying about something that doesn't exist.


Tops: 24 months
Pants: 18 months
Shoes: Size 5


Peas, Chicken Nuggets, Zucchini, Pizza, Spaghetti, Roasted carrots, peaches, applesauce, Cheez-its, yogurt, oatmeal, blueberry nutri-grain breakfast bars, mac & cheese, tomatoes, dips (honey mustard, ranch, ketchup), chips and salsa, yellow rice, biscuits, muffins, chicken & dumplings, fish balls and Gerber fruit / veggie squeeze packs.


Shoes, Ball, Bear, Dog, Car, Fish, Up, Back, Amy, Bubbles, More (she signs and says it at the same time), No No No No No, Yes, Snack, Juice, Eyes and really most anything you say, she can copy back to you if she is in the right mood!


"What's That?", "Get Down", "Stop It", "Diaper, Diaper, Diaper"


Dog, Cat, Tiger, Lion, Bear, Shark, Elephant, Giraffe, Cow, Pig

Let me just say that about two months ago, Lottie was actually saying the names of these animals, but since she has learned the noises they make, she refuses to call them by their names and instead only shouts the noises they make!  Example: Lottie will see a dog and start saying, "Ruff, Ruff" or a pig, "Oink, Oink" or a cat, "Meow, Meow" (the Meows are very drawn out so it sounds like someone just stepped on a cat)  - hilarious to say the least.


Head, Hand, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Belly, Toes, Knees


We are working on Please and Thank You.  For the last 4 months or so, she has been signing and saying the word "More" which is pretty darn adorable.  But, it is definitely that time to start teaching manners and working towards being a polite little girl!  Yesterday, she said Please (sounds like Peeeaaaaassss) so we are getting there. 

"I Love You" is another phrase we are working on.  Steve and I must tell her that we love her 1,000 times a day.  She really is the best thing in this world.  She has got the "I" part down to a tee but the rest not so much.  We've been signing it quite a bit and have learned that helps her with saying the words out loud. 

"Potty Time" - during her last doctor's appointment, we discussed potty training.  He suggested we go ahead and buy the potty that you can attach to your own toilet.  He said that in the long run it helps them get accustomed to using the "big" toilet, plus it is less of a mess when it comes to cleaning up.  I think we are going to try and start introducing toilet behaviors.  I am hoping that with a little time and patience, we will have a potty trained little lady by the time she is 2.  Lottie already tells us when she's had a poop, she starts patting her bottom and we ask her if she needs her diaper changed.  If she does, she will usually take off to her room to be changed and we sing, "Diaper, Diaper, Diaper" - something my sister started with her.  :)


You've probably noticed that in quite a few photos, Lottie never has anything in her wild, unkempt hair.  The girl has been on BOW strike since she was 12 months old.  I must have 100 different bows, hair ties, etc. at home that I am dying to put in her hair.  Every single time I put something in her hair, she pulls it out faster than I can get it in.  I am hoping this is just a phase because I don't know what I am going to do if she keeps this up for the next year!  I might cry!  Really!!!!!!!!!


It AMAZES me how quickly my child has developed her own little personality and the characteristics of a child who wants nothing more than to be independent.  I guess we are approaching what everyone refers to as the "terrible twos".  I'm talking tantrums, fake crying (she's a pro at that) and the attitude.  It seems though that 9 times out of 10, the tantrums, etc. stem from her not getting her way. 

Example: "Lottie, please come inside so that you can have your dinner. "No, No, No."  "Lottie, I'm only going to ask you one more time to please come inside."  (Fake crying ensues, which leads me to pick her up and physically take her inside.)  She then plops down at the door and continues to fake cry.  This is just one of many examples where she either wants it her way or no way. 

On the flip side, I've never seen a child more affectionate and loving than Lottie.  She is constantly laughing, smiling, giving kisses, blowing kisses, giving hugs and making faces that absolutely crack you up.  At the end of the day, these tantrums are only temporary and just a phase.  We will get through it just as we've done in the past.


Overall, Lottie is developing into such a sweet little girl with more personality than I think Steve and I know what to do with.  Maybe that comes with the territory of having a girl!  But hey - I wouldn't have it any other way!  :)

Up Next: 18 Month Photos

1 comment:

  1. You need to teach her the "I love you a bushel and a peck song" T- she will love it!!
