Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Miss Independent

Pretty sure I missed the memo that said between 18 and 19 months old, my child would become Miss Independent.

Every day I pick her up from day care, she asks to drive (hold my keys) and refuses to hold my hand as we walk to the car.  If I attempted to carry her to the car, I had better prepare myself for world's worst melt down.  She has decided that she is officially a big girl, can walk to the car on her own and doesn't need me to steer her there. 

This past Sunday, we took her to the Panther's home opener against the Saints.  We tailgated with our tailgating buddies, then walked to the stadium.  Lottie of course was determined to walk the whole way.  I thought for sure that after 10 minutes of walking, she would be worn out and asked to be held, but NO, she walked through the crowds (holding my hand) to the stadium and up the ramp (not holding my hand) to our seats.  The only time I carried her were up the steps to walk into the stadium and up the steps to our seats.  The girl LOVES to walk and wasn't tired or give out whatsoever.  Thankfully we started walking to the stadium around 12:15 p.m. b/c it took us until 12:45 p.m. or so until we actually got to our seats to sit down.  The girl may LOVE to walk, but dang she is slow!  :)

Lottie did great at the game!  It was a much different experience than taking her last year when she was 8/9 months old.  She was clapping and dancing along w/ the Top Cats.  She sat like a big girl in her seat, snacking on fruit snacks and chugging Gatorade (disaster - all down the front of her).  Unfortunately we got a little wet, but Lottie didn't mind.  She loves the rain!

Big Girl - she loves Brats!  Who would've thought?

That face.........

I guess at this stage, I can't help wondering what happened to my little baby?  I mean she was just born last year.  But having said that, we are having so much fun right now!  I can't wait for some of the upcoming outings we have planned to take her to in the fall! 

1 comment:

  1. Im going to need you to put that baby in some Panthers gear for her next game!! Shes gotta represent!
