Monday, August 6, 2012

My Little Escapee!!

I don't know what it is about the weekends, but it is a struggle sometimes to get Lottie in her own bed at night.  I don't know if it has to do with the fact that she is with us 24/7 on the weekends and loves it so much that she doesn't want to be on her own at night or she is just getting to "that" age where she's starting to test us to see how far she can push us. 

Last night, as Steve and I were laying in bed - we thought the cries would never end!  I mean I dread Mondays as well, but dang you would have thought we told her we were dropping her off at daycare and leaving her there for a week!  She was that UPSET!  Finally after about 10 minutes of never ending cries, Steve went into her room to check out the situation. 

And lo and behold, the girl was pulling a full on crib break!  Using leverage from the bumpers in her crib, she managed to push herself high enough to hoist one leg over the crib.  As Steve walked into her room, she was rocking back and forth about to throw herself over the crib!  Can you imagine it???????  Heart Attack Central!!!

Of course, we had already moved the crib to it's lowest setting!  Being as we were all pretty wiped out, we ended up taking the bumpers out of the crib so she could no longer use them as a tool to stage a second crib break. 

FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, there was peace once more in the Cooper house!  I think after her attempted crib break and all the energy used for those cries, she finally gave in - there was no peep from her room the rest of the night.  Ahhhhhhhhh

Seriously though - CRIB BREAK!!!!!!!!  I just can't even believe that we are at that point!  Hopefully, I will be able to further investigate the crib situation when I get home and last night was a one time thing!  :)

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