Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Dreaded Ear Infection is Back!!!!!!!!

That's right, it's back!  Thankfully in only one ear but still - Ugghhhhh

For the last two weeks, Lottie has been coughing, sneezing and spreading snot all through the house!  When I took her on Christmas Eve, her ears looked great and after being tested for RSV, etc. - she checked out clean.  Fast forward two weeks later and her symptoms have not changed - in fact her cough seemed to have gotten worse.

I got to work on Friday at the crack of dawn in order to leave early to take her to the doctor.  Once we checked in and weighed in (18 lbs, 14 oz), we went back to the exam room.  I explained that her cough/cold has not gone away.  He took one look in her left ear and said there's the problem - she's got herself an ear infection.  That is why her cough/cold is not going away.  After looking back through her chart, we thought the best course of action would be to give her a Rocephin injection followed with 10 days of oral antibiotics.  If it doesn't clear up within that time, we are definitely getting the referral for tubes.  I hate it, but at this point, it seems like it makes the most sense.

Poor baby after her injection in her thigh

After a Rocephin injection, you have to wait 20 minutes in the office to make sure there is no allergic reaction.  Thankfully there was none. 

Fast forward to Saturday and guess who's caught the stomach bug from daycare - Lottie!  I gave her a bath on Saturday evening and I swear within an hour after giving her a bath - it started!  She threw up 3 separate times and we ended up going through 4 pairs of pajamas.  This is the first time I've had to deal with actual throw up and let me tell you it was GROSS!!!!!!!!  Thankfully, I got her settled and in bed and there were no more incidents!

Fast forward once more to Monday.  Around lunch time my stomach started feeling queasy.  I thought it was just heartburn, but by the time I picked Lottie up from daycare and got her home - I started feeling really sick.  That's when it started.  I caught the BUG!  I proceeded to throw up from about 6:00 p.m. through 1:00 a.m.  I thought this can't be happening!!!!!  I literally thought I was on my death bed. 

Tuesday morning finally rolled around and I had to call into work.  I felt lightheaded, weak and had absolutely no energy.  Steve took Lottie to daycare and I headed back to bed.  That didn't last long!!!  Steve called around 9:00 a.m. and said that daycare had called saying Lottie has white stuff in her mouth, looks like little white pockets on the inside of her cheek.  They said we need to come pick her up.  WHAT??????  But I can barely move - how am I going to take care of a 10 month old when I can barely function myself?  So, I put myself into the shower hoping to feel somewhat human again.  (Didn't work)  I fixed myself a piece of toast so that I could at least drive and not pass out.  Once I got to daycare, Lottie seemed fine.  It appeared that she has a little yeast infection in her mouth most likely caused by the oral antibiotics she's been taking for the ear infection.

I think Lottie must have somehow known that mommy wasn't feeling very well, because she was such a little angel yesterday.  We did a lot of napping and a little playing - mostly napping!  Thank goodness!!!

Today, I'm back at work.  But as luck would have it, poor Steve started throwing up this morning.  We just can NOT catch a break right now.  He went ahead and went to work, but is leaving around 1:00 p.m. to get Lottie back to the doctor for a recheck of her ears and mouth.

What a NIGHTMARE!!!!  I may as well just hand over my paycheck to the Pediatrician's office and daycare.  Agghhhh!

To Be Continued.............

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