Friday, April 4, 2014

World's Worst School Pictures????

Do you ever wonder what it must be like to be a daycare / school photographer?  Probably not - because that would be weird.........  I can't imagine that it would be quote on quote easy, especially with the little ones.  BUT, sending home the photos below really threw me for a loop!  Steve and I have never laughed so hard.  I mean seriously - could my girls' photos get any worse?

Let's start with Lottie.............

I swear I sent that girl to school well groomed and a bow in hair!  But, looking at the photo below, she looks like she just rolled out of bed and couldn't be bothered to run a brush through her hair.  

And that expression on her face is priceless!  Surprised?  Frightened?  Amazed?  Bewildered?  Terrified? 

I've got a feeling from here on out, these types of expressions in photos will be more predominant than the sweet smiles and big grins of past. 

Here goes................

Warming up........................

Aaaaahhhhh - a cute one..............Although, I guess she decided to accessorize herself with those shoes and jewels.  She must have went back into her room after I left for work and took out her bow, changed shoes and added jewels.  I wouldn't be surprised if I got the photos back and she was in a different dress.  Steve takes the morning shift so it is always a surprise what they are wearing when I pick them up in the afternoon.  And that Lottie is such a little grown up now - she MUST dress herself!  Don't even think of picking something out the night before and laying it out for her.  She is not having it!



My "cry baby" - literally!  Sweet Stella loves to cry and it looks like she really gave those photographers an ear full. 

Poor old girl - she will soon grow out of it.  Right??????? 

Between the wild hair and facial expressions, the photo below really captures her little personality.  :)

And finally................... a photograph more awkward than the ones before it.

I hope your school photos turn out better than ours!  Although to be fair, I wouldn't have them any other way!  Well.............. maybe that's not entirely true!  :)  

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