Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christmas 2013

What were the holidays like before kids?  BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what!

No, but there was definitely less cleaning and more relaxing!  Wait a minute.........not really, I was still picking up after my other kids (AKA, my sister and brother in law!)  I swear when they come home for the holidays, my house is tore upside down for a solid week!  Drives me nuts!  My house is so small!  One of these days I hope to move into my dream home, but for now we will stay put in our tiny little abode.  My dream is once the kids are out of daycare, we can truly make this mama's dream come true and move into a beautiful new home.  Heck, the payments would probably be cheaper than what we pay a month now in daycare.  In fact, I know they would be!!! 

Sidetracked..............This year was my sweet little Stella's first Christmas!  While she would have loved nothing more than boxes, bows, ribbons, etc., I think she thoroughly enjoyed what Santa brought!  She was all smiles Christmas morning!  Christmas evening - not so much.  Her bronchitis is still lingering and got the best of her.  She sounded rough to say the least.  Poor girl just can't catch a break.  The raspiness in her sweet girly squeals, wheezing and chest congestion returned unfortunately.  Her right ear started draining again too.  We ended up visiting the pediatrician the following day to which I was told that this will likely continue through the winter.  Awesome!  Basically the only thing we can do is to continue with the breathing treatments.  It seems like the only answer between the urgent care, pediatrician and specialist's office thus far.  We will get through it though!  This little girl has proven to be resilient. 

This was the first year we really did "Santa".  We wrapped the gifts from mom and dad and left "Santa" gifts unopened and laid in little piles for the girls.  We went way overboard!!!!!!!  Lottie was sooooooooooooo overwhelmed.  I don't think she's ever seen so many toys in her whole life.  She literally walked into the living room after she woke up and freaked out!  She started back stepping and crying!  I was like WTH is going on?????????  She had been so excited about Santa coming and finally Christmas arrives and she freaks out!  She finally came around though and tore through everything.  She was pumped.  But the 10 minutes she freaked out after waking up and seeing her gifts was plum crazy!  Steve and I decided that next year, Santa won't be bringing as much.  It's really difficult though.  Santa bought mostly everything on Black Friday and the deals he scored were just too good to pass up!  He will most definitely need to be restrained next year as difficult as that may be!

Here's a look back through pictures of our first family Christmas of 4!  So grateful!  These kids drive me crazy sometimes but gosh I miss them to bits when I'm at work and not with them. 

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!  xoxo

"The Girls"

Bella and Stella

Lottie with her girls!! 


 Whisky and mince pies left for Santa
 Santa showed up!!!!!!

Christmas morning!!!  

Steve and his silly gag gifts!

Playing doctor!!

Christmas night! Stella was pretty sick, but we managed to sneak in and have some fun with friends!

Lottie's new bath towel Santa brought!  She loves it!

Sisterly love xoxo

Playing soccer w/ her new soccer ball


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