Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat

1 week ago today Lottie had her consultation for tubes with Charlotte Eye Ear Nose and Throat. 

Back up a minute - About a week and a half ago I received a call from Lottie's daycare saying she had a fever.  I rushed out of work and made her an appointment with her pediatrician that afternoon.  Once I arrived at daycare, they stated they had a confirmed child with RSV.  When we arrived at the pediatrician's office, I informed them there was a confirmed case of RSV in her classroom.  After sticking a q-tip the length of a pencil up her nose (RSV check) and taking a quick peak in her left ear - he said she has another ear infection.  Uggggghhhhhh - really?  Another ear infection!!!  Noooooooooooooooo!!!

After the RSV check (q-tip swab), you have to wait 10 minutes for the culture to come back.  At this point Lottie was so ticked off and in pain - the tears, screams and cries went on for what seemed like a lifetime.  Of course seeing her in pain got me crying so Lottie and I cried together like babies in the exam room.  But it doesn't end there.............. because of the ear infection, she had to have another Rocephin injection to help clear out some of the infection.  At the same time, he confirmed that she has RSV.  He also said that right now is peak time for RSV.  He has seen numerous cases in his office throughout the last month. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for it.  It is basically one of the worse little colds an infant can have.  Tear!

On the plus side, we finally got our referral for tubes.  Lottie had her consultation last Wednesday.  We met with Dr. Moss who sat down and explained the process.  As we were talking, I explained that Lottie was diagnosed with RSV the Friday before.  I knew something was wrong when he gave me a "look".  He said that unfortunately they are not able to do tubes until 6 weeks after a RSV diagnoses.  He said that the anesthesiologist will not give anesthesia to a child until after the 6 weeks is up.  He said studies show that there are complications with breathing, etc. but once the 6 weeks is up, the risks are minimal. 

As bummed out as I was about Lottie having to wait a whole month for tubes, there is no way the doctor or myself would take any risks especially when considering what a relatively easy procedure this is. 

Tubes have been scheduled for March 2nd!!!!  Hopefully we will all make it until then - especially Lottie. 

10 days until my little munchkin's first birthday!!!  We are all getting excited!  A sneak peak coming soon! 

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