Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I know I have been on a blog break and everyone keeps asking when I am going to do an update (well, the few that actually read this), but the truth is that I have just been so busy running around after the kids doing school runs, workouts at the gym, homework, looking after Stella, looking for work myself, etc., the last thing I've wanted to do after getting the kids to bed at night is blog.............
Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I'm so behind on my posts, so I'll keep them short in hopes of catching up!
Christmas in England............
If you received a Christmas card, then you probably recognize this photo. Grandma bought them their Christmas jumpers and skirts. She is constantly buying them clothes (usually about 3 sizes to big). :)
My girls........... that Stella and her "cheese" face kills me!!!!
I guess they really do love one another! Between the pinching, hitting, pulling of hair, tattle tailing, wrestling, etc. I swear sometimes you would never know! :)
Our tree made it!!! Steve made fun of me for shipping our tree and all of our decorations, but I received so many compliments from friends saying our tree was amazing. Still going strong after 14 years!!!
Grandma and her girls!
Granddad and his girls!
What can I say about this Santa other than, AWFUL!!!!!! These Santas here just do NOT compare to our Santas back home! I mean the Monroe Mall Santa had to have been better than this guy! Here they have something called, Santa's Grotto where you visit Santa. They decorate sheds, buildings, etc. to the nines to make it feel very Christmassy, so you would think that if they are going to go to all that trouble, they would find a plump old man with a beard to play Santa. Nevertheless, the guy was nice and as usual Stella didn't want anything to do with him. I had to hold her in order to get a photo of her even remotely close to him. The only reason she let me do that was because she saw that he gave Lottie a gift. :)

Bradgate Park.............. one of the most beautiful places! They have deer just wondering around, ducks swimming in streams, beautiful ruins, waterfalls, etc. It is just the most fantastic place to walk around. It is always very busy with kids riding their bikes, scooters, people walking their dogs, etc. Stella and I love to walk through it all when we spend one on one time together.
Just before Christmas, I did the Loughborough Santa Fun Run 5K. It was so much fun to run with over 1,500 Santas and see the sites of Loughborough! Surprisingly I ran the entire thing without stopping. If you know me, I prefer boxing, MMA, HIIT and power lifting type workouts, but this was fun. I am hoping to do a couple of obstacle course races this year in England!
This race was a nightmare for Stella being as she HATES Santa!!! She would barely let me hold her and poor thing didn't know which way to turn because everywhere she looked there was a Santa. Steve and I were cracking up. Even the dogs were dressed as Santa. :)
Just before Christmas, I had one of Lottie's mates (Lily) over to bake and play.
A Pinterest goodie right here........ Decorating waffle cones like Christmas trees. Perfect for small kids.
We also made brownies and put some yummy icing and raspberries on top!
Then the girls decided to make their own concoction! GROSS! It smelled like vomit!
A few days later, we had Lottie's 2nd cousin Blake over and Sophie. The girls adore her. She is like a big sister to them! So sweet!
We baked more goodies!!! YUM!
Stella looks really enthused!!! :)
Twas the night before Christmas!!!
In England, they typically leave Santa mince pies and whiskey. I threw a shot of milk in there as well along with a carrot for the reindeer. Santa sure did enjoy his whiskey and mince pie!! ;)
Santa came!!!!
Aunt Ashley sent the girls a Frozen hat and gloves set all the way from the states! :)
Lottie had me cracking up saying, "Santa didn't like the milk as much as he liked the whiskey!"
Grandma and Granddad came over in the morning to give the girls their presents (lots of clothes & shoes)
Grandma and I went shopping for the kid's clothes. She bought Stella this adorable coat and Lottie the same.
Pig Out Game
Lottie loves trains so Santa bought her a battery operated train set. She loves it! She especially loves building the track.
Snow cones - thought my arm was going to fall off churning that ice!!!!
Traditional English Christmas dinner minus the turkey! :)
Ham, roasted potatoes, balsamic/honey glazed carrots, green beans, parsnips, cheesy cauliflower and Yorkshire puddings.
We opened our Christmas crackers as we were eating and all wore our paper crowns! Christmas crackers are a must if living in the UK at Christmas!
That about wraps up our first Christmas in England! Looking forward to making 2016 great!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We love and miss everyone!