Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy this Monday morning!!  Miss Lottie decided that she was going to keep her mama up all night long last night. Please excuse the run on sentences, lack of details and other grammatical mistakes that are likely.

Friday night, Steve, Lottie and I went for sushi over at The Promenade.  I haven't really had any sushi since before I was pregnant so I overindulged a bit (just couldn't help myself).  They have live music at The Promenade every Friday night - it was so cute how all of these families were sat with their chairs, coolers, blankets, etc.  The kids were dancing on the lawn with one another and the dads were twirling their little girls around.  It felt really nice and the band was great!

Saturday morning, Lottie and I had a girls morning out.  We went to Babies R Us, Target, Ulta and Carolina Place Mall.  While at Carolina Place, I took Lottie to the photo studio at JC Penney where I had her 6 month photos taken.  JC Penney is great when it comes to having the "staple" photos taken (3 mth, 6 mth, 9 mth, etc.)  It is perfect for putting in the baby box for us to look back on in years to come.  The other great thing about having the photos done at JC Penney is they are CHEAP.  Coupon queen here had a coupon for a free sitting and $3.99 for each traditional portrait sheet - which meant that an 8x10 was $3.99, two 5x7s were $3.99, four 3x5s were $3.99 and 8 wallets were $3.99.  All in all, I went with four different poses and spent around $25.00.  I ordered a ton of photos!  Perfect for sending to the grandparents in England and great grandparents and extended family that live in NC and SC. 

Lottie is going through the all I want to do is put my hands in my mouth phase so trying to get some decent photos without her hand in her mouth proved difficult. 

Oh and this one meaning ME stood in the photographers light for the first 6 or 7 pictures making them really DARK.  Now you know those photos ended up being the cutest!!!  Of course..........

Saturday afternoon - Steve's employer had a pool party / barbeque for all of the employees.  Lottie was of course the star of the show.  It was nice finally putting faces to names I hear all the time from Steve.  All in all, it was a nice afternoon out. 

Sunday was spent cleaning and catching up on laundry.  I must have worked for 4 hours minimum.  I even went so far as to clean out my summer wardrobe.  I ended up having two trash bags full of clothes to donate. 

Our friends Matt and Danielle came for a visit and dinner yesterday afternoon.  Steve grilled steaks (and managed not to over cook them!)   :)  while I made jazzed up mashed potatoes and salad.  A perfect way to the end the weekend!

Although, the weekend never really ended in Lottie's eyes.  She decided to have a party for one last night leaving me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, soooooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy today.  I've just put the coffee pot on for Round 2 of caffeine.  I can't tell you how ready I am to hit the hay later! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The East Coast Earthquake

Did anyone feel the mighty earthquake in CLT yesterday?  I was sitting at my desk when an attorney popped his head into my office asking if I just felt an earthquake.  I laughed and said, "You can't be serious!"  He said that his water bottle shook and it sounded like the air conditioning unit had kicked on.  We are in an OLD building (Cameron Brown) so I very well may have felt something and not known it b/c to be honest, my office shakes during thunder and anytime the AC unit kicks on.

Of course, I googled to see what "crazy brains" was talking about.  Sure enough, locals were feeling the rumblings of an earthquake that struck in VA. 

Sadly, I am kind of bummed that I didn't feel anything (stupid old building). 

I wonder if Lottie felt it?  Too bad I can't ask her!  It sounds like some felt it at her school, but others did not.  Steve didn't feel it either, but he of course has a cool story about when he was a kid in England and felt one that started in Birmingham - he one upped me this time.

In all seriousness, thankfully no one was injured!  Unfortunately hurricane Irene is looking to be headed to the NC/SC coast this weekend.  My sis lives in Myrtle Beach so I am hoping she and her hubby stay safe and if need be evacuate to our house so we can play this weekend!  Hint, Hint

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

6 Month Check Up

Yesterday afternoon was Lottie's 6 month check up. 

Weight: 15lbs, 9 3/4 oz (40%)

Height: 25 1/2 inches (25%)

Head Circumference: 42 cm (50%)

During the examination I explained to the doctor that Lottie still had a little cough that I thought might be lingering from her double ear infection she had at the beginning of the month.  Sure enough, after looking in her ears, she still has an infection in both ears.  He said that sometimes the first round of antibiotics doesn't take care of it especially if she is around other children on a daily basis.  Continuous exposure to other children at school will most likely result in Lottie getting more colds and more ear infections than if she were to be at home with me or with a nanny.  Unfortunately, as much as I would love to stay home with her, that just isn't an option for our family.

We were given a different antibiotic to try for 10 days.  I am praying it does the trick.  The doctor did say that this specific antibiotic may cause her BMs to look reddish (I know - TMI) and not to panic if we see RED!  I told him that it was a good thing he told me that b/c I would have been rushing little Lottie to the ER thinking there was blood in her stools. 

Of course no visit would be complete without SHOTS.  Those dreaded shots!!!!  She had to have a total of 5.  1 was given by mouth and 2 were given in each thigh.  The oral "shot" wasn't so bad - she gagged a bit and coughed but eventually took it all down.  The first injection wasn't bad either - surprisingly she didn't even cry.  The second injection had her screaming like I've never heard before - seriously have never heard her scream so loud and so long.  The nurse quickly gave her the next two injections in the opposite thigh.  I then scooped her up to comfort her.  I hate seeing my baby so upset.  It breaks my heart. 

One of the injections was a flu shot (1/2 dosage) - we have to go back in 30 days to get the rest.  BOO!!!!!

Thankfully at her 9 month check up she won't have to have any shots!  Hallelujah!! 

After we got home yesterday, I fed and bathed Lottie.  She was a little more fussy than normal but given the tough day she had, completely understandable!  Around 8:30 p.m. - we hopped in my bed for some girl talk and magazine reading.  I was reading Parents magazine and saw where a baby was already saying "mama" at 6 months so Lottie and I practiced saying "mama" - everytime I said, "Can you say MAMA?"  She would crack up and laugh uncontrollably.  I was dying laughing - and of course grabbed the video camera because she was being too cute.  I would say "MAMA" and she would die laughing!!!  Hysterical! 

Here are a few pics of my poor baby's legs (but hey at least her bandaids were stylish!)

Girl Talk!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

I am completely WIPED out from this past weekend.  I think I might be catching a cold (Oh NOOOOO!!!)

On Friday, Lottie's school was closed for one of their bi-annual teacher work days so she stayed the day with Kay LaRocca (my brother in law's mother).  I can't thank her enough for helping us out - truly a lifesaver!  Since she stayed with Kay, it was easier for Steve to go by and pick her up and bring her home.  I really hated not seeing her face as soon as I left work.  It is definitely the ONE thing I most look forward to every day!  When they got home, I gave Lottie a bath, fed her and played until she was zonked out.  During that time, we ate dinner, watched the Panther's game and I helped a friend out by making her a banner to hang at a baby shower on Sunday. 

On Saturday - we woke up bright and early.  It was my old friend Sarah's 30th birthday celebration.  Her b/f set up a coach bus to take a large group wine tasting for the day.  Such a great idea!  We dropped Lottie off with Jeanette and Ashley (their 1st babysitting experience) at 10:15 a.m.  They did a great job!  Looks like they had a full day of fun!  Brixx for lunch, shopping at Petal and a stop at Yoforia for Lottie's first taste of Chocolate!!!  I received a text from Ashley with Lottie smiling from ear to ear - she clearly enjoyed her first frozen yogurt!

Saturday was such a great time - it isn't very often that Steve and I get to go out and do something with just the two of us.  Although, I think in the end (I tasted too much vino - WHOA!!!!)  Here are a few pics from our day out.

Ilesha and I


The Birthday Girl!!!

The Bus........

On Sunday morning, we arranged to skype with Steve's parents so they could see the baby.  They don't have a laptop so they went to a friend's house where we chatted for 40 odd minutes.  They were really happy to see their granddaughter for the first time since we were in England.  For those of you who don't know, Steve's parents are in their late 60s/early 70s and don't fly.  Steve's mom has never been on an airplane in her life.  Therefore, they have never been to the states.  I believe her fear of flying and some health issues have prevented or kept them from coming to see us.  While it is difficult at times to understand their reasoning behind not coming over - we have accepted it and do our best to try and send pictures, skype and visit when we can. 

On Sunday afternoon, Lottie and I took a much needed nap together.  Steve fixed an English dinner with beef, potatoes, yorkshire pudding, gravy and veggies.  It was delicious!  You can't beat a home cooked meal on Sundays!  We finished the night off with some TCBY and cuddle time w/ my sweet girl.  We watched The Princess and the Frog (it was such a cute movie) - I secretly can't wait until Lottie gets old enough for her and I to watch all the classics - Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White, Bambi, etc.  It won't be long.

Today is Lottie's 6 month check up at Matthews Children's Clinic.  I am looking forward to seeing how much she has grown these last two months.  The downside of course is that she has to get more shots today.  But if it keeps her from getting Thrush and Hand Foot and Mouth disease at school, I am all for it! 

6 Months

Today, you are 6 months old!  Where has the time gone?  It feels like just yesterday I was anxiously lying on the operating table awaiting your arrival.  These past few months have been the most rewarding time in my life.  I can't begin to describe how much joy you've brought into my heart.  You are the greatest gift I've ever received and I will cherish you always.  I love you Lottie!!  xoxo


Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

This past weekend we traveled to Myrtle Beach, SC.  It was my friend Danielle's bachelorette weekend.  We didn't get to Amy's house until 8:45 p.m. on Friday night due to our work schedule, etc. so we stayed in, ate dinner and called it a night. 

The next morning I got up with Ms. Lottie at 6:45 a.m.  She was ready to eat.  I have to point out though that Lottie is a great sleeper - she has been since around 7 or 8 weeks.  She usually sleeps from 8:00 p.m. until 6:45 / 7 a.m.  It is wonderful!!!  Knock on wood this continues over the next few months when we start the teething process.  Yikes - I've heard horror stories!

Back on track..............  After feeding Lottie I did a quick Turbo Fire workout and got myself ready for the beach.  Unfortunately mother nature was not having it.  It was pouring down rain - BOO!  Steve and my brother in law Anthony had decided the night before that they were going to an English pub to watch the opening Liverpool game while Amy and I hit the beach.  We ended up joining them for lunch and a couple of pints.  Finally the weather cleared up and Amy and I left the boys to babysit while we hit the beach. 

We only had a couple of hours on the beach before we had to come back to get ready for our night out w/ the girls.  Needless to say, that was all I needed - holy cow - my chest got burnt.  We are talking LOBSTER!  I should have put on spf 30 instead of 8!  I am not 20 years old anymore!!!!!!!!!  Now, I'm not an idiot when it comes to lathering my face with spf 30 or wearing a hat, but when it comes to the bod - I sometimes neglect it - and because of that I have been itching like a maniac today.

Moving on..........  We were meeting the girls for dinner/drinks at Broadway at the Beach at 6:15 - I haven't been there since I was in my early 20s.  So much fun!  We ended up having dinner, going to Crocodile Rocks (dualing piano bar) and shaking our booties at a couple of other places.  I had such a great time out with my sister and the girls!!  A girl's night is definitely needed every once in awhile.  While I prefer spending every waking minute with Lottie - I think it is important to still find time for yourself.  Thanks D for a great girls night out!  I hope you had as much fun as I did! 

Here are just a few pics from the night!

Please take notice how my face and the rest of my body does not match my chest!

Happy Monday!!!!!!!!  Going to meet Lindsey, Sarah and Jeanette for a couple of birthday cocktails after work!  Can't wait to catch up with these ladies - it has been too long!!!!

The Children's Place Modeling Contest & Shopping Spree

You read that right - I entered Lottie into a modeling contest through The Children's Place.  I get weekly if not daily e-mails from them advertising sales, new lines, etc.  This past week, I received an e-mail with the words - "Win a $500 shopping spree" - of course if you know me, I am a sucker for all bargains, contests, etc.  (Frugal McDougal) This was no exception.  I submitted two photographs of Lottie in hopes of winning the shopping spree.  Here are a couple of other perks......
  • a starring role at our Spring 2012 photo shoot
  • travel & accommodations to our exclusive photo shoot location for each PLACEkids model search winner, an accompanying parent/guardian and one gues
  • a $500 shopping spree from The Children's Place
If you get an opportunity, please vote for Lottie here:

Place Kids Model Search

The ID numbers are 125180 and 125492

These are the two photos I submitted - going for the cute factor and silly factor

I know what you are thinking - this mama is nuts!!!!  And you are probably right - I just can't help myself! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Steve and I are so BORING when it comes to meals through the work week.  We practically eat the same thing every night!  But I'm one of those people that could eat soup for lunch every day and never give it a second thought.  When it comes to meals through the week, I just can not be bothered to get fancy! 

Our typical work week meal is Roasted (Baked) Chicken with Roasted Potatoes and Vegetables.  I spray the pan lightly with Trader Joes Olive Oil Spray, put two pieces of chicken breast on the pan with salt, pepper and dried rosemary (or whatever we have in the spice rack).  Then, I cut 5 or 6 carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 2 small potatoes and 1 onion.  I put these veg/potatoes on a second pan.  I spray with the Trader Joes Olive Oil and sprinkle with the dried rosemary (or again, whatever is in the spice rack).  I bake at 395 degrees for 40 minutes and wa la - you have a tasty, healthy meal. 

I'm telling you - I would take roasted potatoes and vegetables over french fries or fried food any day!  So delicious - amazing how a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper and dried herbs make everything tasty!

It may look like quite a bit of food, but once it bakes, it shrinks about a 1/3 of what you see here

Lottie laughing at mommy while I do the running man, whip my hair back and forth, sing MC Hammer (it was the first song that came to mind), etc. while chopping veggies and throwing dinner in the oven.  I swear I've turned into a lunatic - anything to keep my baby happy and laughing, I'll do!  Not that I have to do much - I swear you just look at her and she smiles, she's going to be a people person for sure (maybe even a singer.... shhhhhhh, don't tell Steve)

this smile = priceless

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

Is it Monday already?

This past weekend was one of our last free weekends without plans and we took full advantage of that!  I made an appointment at Keith Hawthorne on Saturday morning to have my oil changed, tires rotated and to have two recalls fixed that were placed on my vehicle.  I dropped my car off at 9:30 a.m. so Steve and I had a couple of hours to kill before it would be ready. 

First on the agenda - the Pineville flea market.  I haven't been there in years so we thought what better way to kill some time than to walk through and check out all the stuff (junk) people were selling.  Holy Cow!  I felt like I was in a foreign country - it should have been called the world market rather than the Pineville market.  Walking through, there were folks selling anything and everything.  There were old nightgowns (gross), kid's shoes(that were not gently used - they looked like they were worn for years), sports jerseys, jewelry, fragrances, oils, jam, tacos - you name it, it was there!  However, after walking through for an hour, we did spot something AWESOME!  It was all of the old school video games like Super Mario Brothers, Tetris, Galaga, Donkey Kong, etc.  (76,000 games in one for $25.00)  There was no system to set up like your typical Wii or X Box.  You simply plug the controller into the back of your tv and bam - you've got yourself 76,000 games to play.  Christmas present anyone?????

Up next, soup and salad at Olive Garden.  It was time for Lottie to eat so we popped in, fed her a bottle then had lunch.  She was such a good girl!  You can take this child anywhere.  She never gives us a hard time. 

Once we ate, we ran back over to check on my car.  It was going to be another hour so we stopped in at the The Old Mecklenburg Brewery.  I love this place.  They have the best fresh beer on tap.  I had a pint of the Captain Jack and Steve had a pint of the Copper. 

After all of our running around we got back home, played with Lottie then relaxed the rest of the night.  Shrek was on one of the movie channels so her and I cuddled on the couch, had some girl talk, tickle time and just all around fun family time.  I swear this is exactly what I envisioned and how I envisioned spending my Saturday night when I was pregnant.  Call it lame, but nothing beats it! 

On Sunday, we ran more errands to Target and Harris Teeter.  I bought a newspaper to clip my coupons (not that I plan on pursuing coupons after my last go around - see previous post)

Ashley and Jeanette came by to visit Lottie and Steve made dinner.  He made shrimp tacos and roasted potatoes.  It was delicious. 

Here are a few pics of Lottie eating cereal and sweet potatoes!  Oh and her first pickle!  She is just too cute when she eats - the faces she makes are priceless.  I got plenty of video this weekend of her rolling over like a maniac and eating her baby food! 

Friday, August 5, 2011

30th Birthday Celebration

Thank you Ashley, Lauren and Melissa for a great party!  I quickly realized that I am no longer in my 20s the following day!  Here are just a few photos from the night!

Don't worry - she's still in her 20s!